And my OV-chipkaart?

The OV-chipkaart will remain for the time being!
You can still travel with the same OV-chipkaart you’re already using. We do have to keep up with the technology, though. We'll let you know in time if anything changes.
The next steps
Last year we started a national media campaign around the new public transport payment system: OVpay. Now you can check in and out anywhere in the Netherlands with your debit card, credit card or mobile. By train (2nd class), metro, tram and bus. This is an important milestone! But we're not done yet.
The next step is to add discounts and subscriptions. And the introduction of the brand new OV-pas! So that you can soon choose how you prefer to travel: with your debit card or with your OV-pas. We do this step by step. You can therefore continue to use your OV-chipkaart for the time being.